To Xanten at the Niederrhein once king governed victory mouth. His
wife was Sieglind. A child with the name Siegfried arose for the
noble pair. Already as a boy it appeared strongly and courageously;
it was so beautifully slim from face and so from stature, which
recognized everyone in it the future hero. Certainly it spread
parents also much grief and annoyance, because impetuous like a
filling it raved by the lock. Also to the young man ripened, he
remained wild and stormy. There the Courtiers guessed/advised the
ruler to send its son into the far world. With nothing loading as
also over-being ashamed strength and combatglad sense protracted he to the gate of the castle Xanten and turned first a deep forest, in whose clearing a trunk that had settler Lower Saxony. In its center of
humans a mountain and in it a cave however faraway lay, in the dwarves
a immense stronghold of weapons and Geschmeiden guarded, the
treasure of the Nibelungen. siegfried knew from all that nothing and
continued to move. After some days the silence was disturbed by
eisenhaemmern a Schmide, proclaimed Siegfried jubilant. The schmied
had ine dwarfzwergenhafte shape. But its body was broad and strong.
Siegfried had that acts like to show which it as Schmidelehrling was
suitable. It seized a hammer and hit also over-human strength the
anvil. With the time Sigfried the master became ever more uncanny,
and the meant for getting rid of of its. He employed in such a way, he the Siegfried to charcoals out-sent. In
the proximity of the Meilers a terrible Drache lived. It hardened
itself personally a sharp weapon and ran into the forest. He
discovered a cloudy waters off the path and a terrible sight was
offered to him. There it wimmelte only from sea-kites, which snatched
with pointedly tongue at it. Without deliberating itself for a long
time, the Gezuecht and blow began to hit young recke the Untier after
the other one the head off. Afterwards it tore powerful trees out and set it in fire. The glowing
heat lured the whole brood to the surface of the sump, where it, from
which fires died calm and. When he pursued the schaurige play,
happened it, which squirted the simmering Gischt it on the hand. With
astonishment he observed, how the erkaltente liquid coagulated to a
thick, hornhornartigen material. It risked the point of its sword and
sees, it was not able it not to split. Lightning-well-behaved came it
the thought, which would create these sud from sump water and kite
blood it a tank shirt. Briefly decided it jumped into the mud. In
this instant fell from a overhang point a lime tree
to it down and stuck during the bath to his shoulder. This
place could not be used by the charm juice and at it remained
Siegfried vulnerably.